Forensic & Clinical Social Work Services

Defense Mitigation

In state and federal criminal cases, the inclusion of a mitigation specialist on the defense team is crucial. The specialist's role is to engage the client in the process of fighting for their life by uncovering significant life histories and providing context to the client's current situation. This comprehensive approach helps to humanize the client, ensuring that the judge, jury, and prosecution see them as a person with a unique background rather than just a defendant.

The mitigation specialist works closely with the defense team to gather and analyze information that can be used to build a more compelling case for the client. This includes conducting interviews, reviewing records, and collaborating with other experts to uncover mitigating factors that may influence the outcome of the case. By providing a deeper understanding of the client's life experiences and challenges, the mitigation specialist plays a vital role in advocating for a fair and just resolution.

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We're here to help you navigate the complexities of the criminal justice system. If you have any questions, need support, or would like to learn more about our services, please fill out the form below.